Scott Valentine, most well-known for his part as Nick from the TV show Family Ties (essentially another guest counsel much more famous than the fake lawyers), arrives to teach them the limits of their talents while eventually addressing today's client, You Light Up My Life Sustainably. The conversation gets frequently…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker start off the new year with the legendary character actor and guest counsel Larry Hankin who later helps us handle the client Homo Sapiens: Love It Or Leave It. It's a wild ride exploring Larry's life as secrets get uncovered, such as:…
As we stare across the threshold towards the year 2021, we collectively thumb our noses and give the finger to the year 2020 by recapping every frickin' client acquired by the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker as our final 2020 client, although none of them have paid any…
As the virulent year 2020 draws to a close, the anti-lawyers obfuscate their way into a quasi-holiday program with their newest client, Happy Chrismakwanzakhaaannn!! Leaving many opportunities untouched, listen as they bypass normal conversation and talk about Festivus, decorating Jeb Bush, loaves and witches, roasting Ewoks, Chanukah in a vial,…
It seems like only yesterday when a cute little virus showed up and shut down the world. Now, eight months later, the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker have snared the perfect client, Social Media Distancing to bring some meaning to it all. You'll find out about discount genies,…
Perhaps one of the most sought after of clients, Killing Me Softly With Han Solo, has placed a large retainer for the services of the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker in order to gain sympathetic movie rights. This episode has EXTRA SQUABBLE FLAVOR for your dining pleasure. It…
The Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker have over 150 years of non-experience practicing non-law and have roped in the perfect client for their 23rd, Aging Is Fun And Hard On The Knees. The normal issues are discussed specifically old man medical issues but then, as usual the client…
As the turkey arrives on your plate and the cranberry sauce crawls off, the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker bring you a special Thanksgiving Day special episode that has absolutely nothing to do with Thanksgiving. The new client, Heroes Are Super And Delicious, makes many demands of your…
The votes have been counted and the votes have been ignored by President Trump. This means the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker have entered the arena to make sure their twentieth client, A Steaming Pile of Democracy, is maintained in a pure form. In the middle of the…
The terrible triumvirate heads back to court to bring situation comedies before a judge and jury that don't exist. Yes, Sitcoms On Trial are their newest client. The following exhibits get explored: Fonzie the Lothario, Covid school, Neil Patrick Harris, white anglo saxon jews, Otis the lovable drunk, Oomah!, big…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker obtain their most contentious client yet, Ballots, Bullets & Burgers. This client raises the blood pressure of each of the pseudo lawyers as the current U.S. Presidential election process is discussed. However, this does not deter them from extra special territories as…
Has the Abominable Snowman festered in your dreams? Has the Chupacabra sucked your goat? Well, have no fear as your incredibly brave non-legal team face monsters of your childhood with Client Number 18, especially yo mama. This particular rabbit hole finds an unholy menagerie including: the Choking Doberman, dog finger,…
Holy moley, Batsquid! The Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker have brought in guest counsel to depose their newest client, Irish Halloween Turnip. Portland, Oregon-based comedian and founder of the Portland Queer Comedy Festival, Belinda Carrol provides a welcome respite from the normal yammering of our fake lawyers. The…
Today, your fearsome threesome dive right into their newest client, Entertainment Is Bad For You. How bad, you may ask. Pretty bad. A gamut of concepts are explored so there is probably one for you! Things start off with mustache rides and move on to transvestite clowns, people puzzles, making…
Your intrepid pseudo -lawyers wrangle up a new client, With Friends Like You, Who Needs Friends to attempt to pay the rent on their non-existent offices. A bromance is narrowly avoided while the very fake lawyers attempt to sound knowledgeable but instead ignore their client's basic needs. Territory covered includes:…
Deep in the darkest jungles of Africa, you will not find the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker. Only here, in the bowels of the internet. This week's client, Habits Of Infernal Origin Part 2, strikes far too close to home to the infernal soulless non-lawyers. All sorts of…
Deep in the darkest jungles of Africa, you will not find the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker. Only here, in the bowels of the internet. This week's client, Habits Of Infernal Origin, strikes far too close to home to the infernal soulless non-lawyers. All sorts of nastiness are…
Clients seem to be knocking down the doors of the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker. We Don't Need No Stinkin' Age Limits has plopped down a retainer for the full unreal firm treatment. Areas of discussion include the Warlocks Of Tinder, the king of Transylvania, QAnon's magic bar…
Heading into divorce court, our unqualified non-lawyers combine the unlikeliest of couples, marriage and glue sniffing. As per usual, shortly after pretending to be interested in the client, the bombastic, belittling, boorish, bogus barristers feed on their egos and discuss The Coffee Nap, Tesla's haircut, the Rusty Testicle, and Paula,…
The ersatz attorneys claw their way into another non-courtroom to take school subjects ON TRIAL! If you've ever wanted to completely eliminate certain school subjects, this is the episode for you. After an initial volley interrogating algebra and lauding civics, our intrepid trio diminish any hope for lucidity by adding…
The terrific trio match wits with a false family law case when they meet their tenth client, Diets & Their Bastard Children. Beginning, as usual, with taking the client seriously, the tenacious triumvirate devolve quickly into discussions involving manatee molestation, freaks in Florida, celebrity regurgitation, spirit animals, morbid obesity and…
Our smug, self-important narcissist returns from a family vacation and commandeers our ninth client, Vacations: Friend Or Foe! Whilst preening, the conversation still goes its own way and envelops driving way too fast in Europe, orgasmic Life Savers (butterscotch, by the way), the beauty of Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons and…
Seeking a classier clientele, the faux lawyers unfortunately hitch their wagons to a client revered and ridiculed by many: zombies. On the road to figuring out what this is all about, many diversions are taken. Somehow the conversation enters the Covid-19 mask debate, Facebook is run by zombies, the taste…
Our most serious client arrived today: Revolution In The Air. The scatterbrained trio of the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker think they can tackle today's current issues yet fail miserably, Somehow they misuse Bob Dylan, give a poorly understood history lesson of America's wars, misunderstand simple political concepts,…