Deep in the darkest jungles of Africa, you will not find the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker. Only here, in the bowels of the internet. This week's client, Habits Of Infernal Origin Part 2, strikes far too close to home to the infernal soulless non-lawyers. All sorts of…
Deep in the darkest jungles of Africa, you will not find the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker. Only here, in the bowels of the internet. This week's client, Habits Of Infernal Origin, strikes far too close to home to the infernal soulless non-lawyers. All sorts of nastiness are…
Clients seem to be knocking down the doors of the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker. We Don't Need No Stinkin' Age Limits has plopped down a retainer for the full unreal firm treatment. Areas of discussion include the Warlocks Of Tinder, the king of Transylvania, QAnon's magic bar…
Heading into divorce court, our unqualified non-lawyers combine the unlikeliest of couples, marriage and glue sniffing. As per usual, shortly after pretending to be interested in the client, the bombastic, belittling, boorish, bogus barristers feed on their egos and discuss The Coffee Nap, Tesla's haircut, the Rusty Testicle, and Paula,…
The ersatz attorneys claw their way into another non-courtroom to take school subjects ON TRIAL! If you've ever wanted to completely eliminate certain school subjects, this is the episode for you. After an initial volley interrogating algebra and lauding civics, our intrepid trio diminish any hope for lucidity by adding…
The terrific trio match wits with a false family law case when they meet their tenth client, Diets & Their Bastard Children. Beginning, as usual, with taking the client seriously, the tenacious triumvirate devolve quickly into discussions involving manatee molestation, freaks in Florida, celebrity regurgitation, spirit animals, morbid obesity and…
Our smug, self-important narcissist returns from a family vacation and commandeers our ninth client, Vacations: Friend Or Foe! Whilst preening, the conversation still goes its own way and envelops driving way too fast in Europe, orgasmic Life Savers (butterscotch, by the way), the beauty of Yellowstone, the Grand Tetons and…
Seeking a classier clientele, the faux lawyers unfortunately hitch their wagons to a client revered and ridiculed by many: zombies. On the road to figuring out what this is all about, many diversions are taken. Somehow the conversation enters the Covid-19 mask debate, Facebook is run by zombies, the taste…
Our most serious client arrived today: Revolution In The Air. The scatterbrained trio of the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker think they can tackle today's current issues yet fail miserably, Somehow they misuse Bob Dylan, give a poorly understood history lesson of America's wars, misunderstand simple political concepts,…
Sex Sells, Sex Sells, Sex Sells. Sex Sells. So they say. Our intrepid faux lawyers tackle the simplest of clients and find their way into other topics they probably should have avoided. The conversation shifts to attraction towards dead chickens, the Underground Railroad, one particular use for a sock, The…
The three boobs visit the similarly named tube and compare to movies new and old. Controversial territory gets skirted around and the new client gets short shrift while other interests take the foreground. Our false lawyers dip into political waters discussing cancel culture, orange fingers, Karens snatching protesters, Brendan's little…
The fake lawyers return to experience their fourth client: Idiocracy Is Now. Many things that are important get discussed: the origin of the moron, Matt's mini-stroke, the Flat Earth Society on a boat, upside down globalism, and pecan shell cracker sandwiches. Traverse carefully.
This week's episode takes the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker to court for its first litigation: song lyrics on trial! In order to properly tackle our client's needs, we've opened up a satellite office in Florida and have a new host, Brendan, who pulls no punches. You will…