A very special guest fake co-counsel Stanley Livingston, former child star of the legendary sitcom My Three Sons, enters the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker to examine the client, Geeks, Dweebs & Nerds. Just prior to interrogating the client, they discussed hip and trendy, bougie brunch gig, fast…
As the weather turns from summer to fall, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker pay that no heed as they instead address the issues of their newest client, Odd Jobs, Con Jobs & Corn Cobs. While dressing for a lack of success, they give attention to Eager the…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker transition into November by addressing a client each fake lawyer has problems with, Your Daddy Has Daddy Issues. During the deposition, they elaborate on Alabamya, more work, Barry White, healthy as a clam, heroin everyday, Pioneer Chicken Stand, Warren Zevon, transy, Tremors,…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker welcome a new guest fake attorney from the same fake law firm that last week's guest was from, Last House On The Left. This time, Marc Sheffler is helping tackle the client, Life Is Horror & You're Horrible Redux. Unfortunately, the client…
They're coming back! Oh my. Tune in at 6 PM PST, Monday, Nov. 4 for the return of the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker and a special episode with their newest client - Premature Ejaculection! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/qsb/support
Rarely do fake guest attorneys return to the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker (for reasons that should be obvious) so it is a great coup to welcome the return of veteran character actor, Larry Hankin. You might recognize him from recurring roles in Breaking Bad, Seinfeld and Friends,…
Deciding on a full exploration of the world around them yet not following through with it, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker tackle a topic for the generations, specifically Generation Whatever. Beginning with giant generations, they then talk about alters, Tourette's TV, cute kittens, leave my thing out…
Kicked off of TikTok livestream for the third time, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker tackle a malevolent force by addressing the client, Mother Nature Hates You. One of the following subjects made TikTok very unhappy: Tepid Zephyr, Six Hundred Dollar Man, on a bus, Ranger Rick, Sylvia…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker are entranced by their newest guest fake lawyer, Jeramie Rain Dreyfuss who doesn't help at all with the client, Life Is Horror And You're Horrible. The client is sadly fully ignored during its paid hour. Instead the discussion veers toward Richard Dreyfuss,…
With an unplanned intervention, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker welcome a real crisis counselor yet fake guest lawyer Scott H. Silverman who takes Greg under his wing for a chat, while glancing at Brendan and Matt for potential talks. They talk about xyz, Monopoly money, ouija board,…
Venturing once again into environmental law, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker haul in their newest international client, Recycling Deposed! While attempting to depose the client, they also discuss Facebook postings, quandary, genius whiskey, Samuel Coleridge, they always leave, abasinthe, deliver happiness, mis-mammal, secret Burgerville recycling lore, drunken…
The Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker closes its doors. Feel free to reach out to qsblawoffices@gmail.com if you want to know stuff. Buy our merch here: https://my-store-11556994.creator-spring.com/ To access special content go to www.patreon.com/qsblaw and for other episodes, go to www.qsblaw.org. We are also internettable on: Instagram -…
Brendan's promo for the newest episode of the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker to air live on Monday, Nov. 4 at 6 PM PST - Premature Ejaculection!
The Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker closes its doors. Feel free to reach out to qsblawoffices@gmail.com if you want to know stuff. Buy our merch here: https://my-store-11556994.creator-spring.com/ To access special content go to www.patreon.com/qsblaw and for other episodes, go to www.qsblaw.org. We are also internettable on: Instagram -…
Venturing once again into environmental law, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker haul in their newest international client, Recycling Deposed! While attempting to depose the client, they also discuss Facebook postings, quandary, genius whiskey, Samuel Coleridge, they always leave, abasinthe, deliver happiness, mis-mammal, secret Burgerville recycling lore, drunken…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker transition into November by addressing a client each fake lawyer has problems with, Your Daddy Has Daddy Issues. During the deposition, they elaborate on Alabamya, more work, Barry White, healthy as a clam, heroin everyday, Pioneer Chicken Stand, Warren Zevon, transy, Tremors,…
With an unplanned intervention, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker welcome a real crisis counselor yet fake guest lawyer Scott H. Silverman who takes Greg under his wing for a chat, while glancing at Brendan and Matt for potential talks. They talk about xyz, Monopoly money, ouija board,…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker welcome a new guest fake attorney from the same fake law firm that last week's guest was from, Last House On The Left. This time, Marc Sheffler is helping tackle the client, Life Is Horror & You're Horrible Redux. Unfortunately, the client…
The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker are entranced by their newest guest fake lawyer, Jeramie Rain Dreyfuss who doesn't help at all with the client, Life Is Horror And You're Horrible. The client is sadly fully ignored during its paid hour. Instead the discussion veers toward Richard Dreyfuss,…
Kicked off of TikTok livestream for the third time, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker tackle a malevolent force by addressing the client, Mother Nature Hates You. One of the following subjects made TikTok very unhappy: Tepid Zephyr, Six Hundred Dollar Man, on a bus, Ranger Rick, Sylvia…
Deciding on a full exploration of the world around them yet not following through with it, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker tackle a topic for the generations, specifically Generation Whatever. Beginning with giant generations, they then talk about alters, Tourette's TV, cute kittens, leave my thing out…
Rarely do fake guest attorneys return to the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker (for reasons that should be obvious) so it is a great coup to welcome the return of veteran character actor, Larry Hankin. You might recognize him from recurring roles in Breaking Bad, Seinfeld and Friends,…