The Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker welcome extra special guest counsels to give unique attention to our newest client, The Nerd Hierarchy. They are Kenric and John from Spoiler Country, the founding and lead show on While developing their defense for the client, other topics were mentioned including: becoming your own grandpa, Kevin Smith, The Get, Spottyify, ComicsGate, Black Lightning, Stan Lee, excelsior ejaculation, nerts, the Original Dork, turning down booty calls, fleshlight, Hulk 187, the Maple Syrup Embargo, John is all and all is John, Superman is a bully, speaking in acronyms, a metallic crab, LARPing, Dungeons & Dragons, meth roleplaying, Civil War reenactors, The Spoiler, dickfingers, H.P. Lovecraft, all time show of all time, absinthe, lichen or Lycan, Wolverine finds God, edge of my sheet, Tatiana Maslany, hulk dogs, and Scarlet Witch the Semen Bender.
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