With a tornado in close proximity, Texan actor and director Shanna Toft courageously steps into the Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker to discuss her projects and then bravely helps with the client, Garbage Eaters Anonymous. Amongst the advice given to the client was also discussion about NPR, biscuits and box cutters, follow the paths, bioweapons, she-wolf, frontier house, Tinder for Mountain Men, sag production, Tigger, pickaxes and hatchets, pipsqueak, Keanu Reeves, a bad case of Jensen Ackles, Kim Possible, she played the shark, Necessary Partner, people like skin, holy macaronis, Hollywood Stuff, vomiting in the streets, pasta tarantulas, a brand new carrot, tiny little armpit, lick my earwax, corn dog fritters and good gaffing.
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