Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker
Aug. 27, 2022

S5: Client 9 - Elves With Lasers

S5: Client 9 - Elves With Lasers

On a secret quest to destroy a magic goblet in the sun near Alpha Centauri, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker are approached by a new client, Elves With Lasers. Even fantastical creatures are greatly ignored by the fake lawyers as they also discuss malodorous fluid, Church of Some Other Assholes, Banksy, tantric sex, deal with morons, Top Chef, trustafarians, Gandalf, The Fifth Element, David Brin, Greg Bear, Dune, Dark Horse Comics, kung fu assassin, Portland lore, Alex Jones, tiger blood, Madame Bovary, international vampires, American History Q, non-hateful genocide, cuntrarian, didgeridoo, Conan the Barbarian, bush eater and marry your mom.

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