Returning to their roots, the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker get in some extra squabbling and bickering when they deal with their newest client, You Just Don't Care. If you ever wanted to know what they're all about, this is probably the evidentiary trial they've held as they talk about Ant My Problem, Ground Force, look at the post office, he's like Ant-Man, Pied Piper, look at me, Henry VIII, he lives in the future, fix your computer, I'm Fred Flintstone, Doom Patrol, no prize pig, be their patsy, pheromones, what defines hot sex, sprayed spittle, a side of politician, stick a chicken on it, top of the waffle, persnickety, feeling this urge, Angie Dickinson, real men don't cry, choose to be with wheelbarrows, flipper babies, pencil fighting, we aped it, Reefer Madness, horizontal dancing, Pac Man and get me a funnel.
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