The Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker welcome Mel Ortiz, host of the podcast Miss Heard Lyrics, who unfortunately has to leave before providing her fake legal wisdom for today's client, Are You Toxic Or Do You Just Need A Shower? She definitely engages with the faux legal team and discusses some subjects that don't necessarily include paranoia insurance, existential engineers, a Jewish grandma, cross-eyed bears, the whale carcass, thinly sliced meat eyeball, sugar gliders, polar bear ninja, water buffalo, disco jihad, Mormons of Death Metal, building the Erie Canal, Bette Davis was a spaz, only Booger, Edward Snowden, Assassin's Creed Day, the kraken, watchtower buoy, talced his bottom, mondegreen, rocking horse meat, testicle picture, ask Greg!, pooped on my cat, Bama Lama county, paella compensation, a serious wimp, Britney Spears, helicopter parents, pass the pasta salad, pocket penis, Spotted Dick, everyone needs a shower and Ted Bundy.
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