Law Offices Of Quibble, Squabble & Bicker
Dec. 23, 2021

S3: Client 27 - I Saw Mommy Pegging Santa Claus w/sex educators Dr. Lauren Lichty and Dr. Kris Gowen

S3: Client 27 - I Saw Mommy Pegging Santa Claus w/sex educators Dr. Lauren Lichty and Dr. Kris Gowen

Milk and cookies have no place at the Law Offices of Quibble, Squabble and Bicker at the consultation of this week's client, I Saw Mommy Pegging Santa Claus, when two well-educated guest fake lawyers arrive to provide appropriate counseling. From the podcast B4USwipe, Dr. Kris Gowen and Dr. Lauren Lichty provide their unique perspectives on numerous important matters including catfish dancing, Gary Busey, Spuds McKenzie, peach seeds, wild crazy anarchists, love theme from Commie land, UB40, bus wipe, Guided by Tight Pants, played bagpipes, red pill person, Boxcar Willie, lizard curious, mammalian, Alice In Wonderland, wizard cat, world of modern dating, unsolicited dick pics, Hinge queue, Harold and Claude, Bumble, Paul Newman, eating paint, dirty Sanchez, Tinder, soulful telepathy, Christmas hamster, confused about the holes, cribbage, Steely Dan, William Burroughs, crazy flipping fingers, nihilism, Frosty the Snowman, femdom, TikTok, Santa Claus 1959, Etsy and chicken nog.

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